Binder & admixtures for anhydrite screeds
Calcium sulphate binders for self-levelling screeds
PRONTOPP® Compound 2000 F
Product description
PRONTOPP® Compound 2000 F is used as a binding agent to create a homogenous, easily processed, self-levelling anhydrite screed. The binding agent already includes all the necessary aids to ensure a comfortable processing of the fresh mortar and a reliable hardening.
Application Area
Synthetic binding agent for producing anhydrite screeds of strength class CA C25-F4 and above.
Particularly suitable for: - Truck mixer systems - One-chamber silo systems - Two-chamber silo systems - Construction site screed
Product properties
- Homogenous screed mortar, no extra compacting required
- Low swelling and shrinkage behaviour enabling large areas to be laid with a reduced number of expansion and contraction joints.
- Fast setting and hardening bringing about high early strengths.
- Screed surface with sinter skin.
- Accessible after 72 hours, partially loadable after 5 days.
- Biologically friendly building product.